1. Install minio client using pip.

  2. Setup custom config at superset/docker/pythonpath_dev/superset_config.py

    def build_config(env_file=".env"):
        from dotenv import dotenv_values
        config = dotenv_values(env_file)
        if any(
                config.get("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID") is None,
                config.get("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY") is None,
                config.get("AWS_ENDPOINT_URL") is None,
            raise ValueError("AWS credentials not found in .env file")
        return config
    def create_minio_client(env_file=".env"):
        Creates a minio client using the credentials stored in the .env file.
        from minio import Minio
        config = build_config(env_file=env_file)
        # remove http:// because Minio doesn't like it
        endpoint = config["AWS_ENDPOINT_URL"].split("//")[1]
        return Minio(
    def create_minio_file_url(bucket_name, table_path):
        from datetime import timedelta
        from deltalake import DeltaTable
        storage_options = {
            "AWS_S3_ALLOW_UNSAFE_RENAME": "true",
            "AWS_STORAGE_ALLOW_HTTP": "true",
        dt = DeltaTable(table_path, storage_options=storage_options)
        env_file = __file__.replace("superset_config.py", ".env")
        minioClient = create_minio_client(env_file=env_file)
        file_urls = []
        # Now you have a dictionary of object names and their respective download URLs
        for url in dt.file_uris():
            url = url.replace(f"s3://{bucket_name}/", "")
                minioClient.presigned_get_object(bucket_name, url, expires=timedelta(days=1))
        return file_urls
    JINJA_CONTEXT_ADDONS = {"delta_table": create_minio_file_url}
  3. In Superset SQL-Lab.

    SELECT test_id, test_actual_duration from read_parquet({{delta_table('spatch', <table-path>)}}) LIMIT 7;