Some important spark configuration
--conf spark.driver.memory=90g \ --conf spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes=4194304 \ --conf spark.eventLog.enabled=true \ --conf spark.eventLog.dir=/opt/airflow/dags/spark-events
Partition configuration
- Input partition
- control the input partition by using
- default is 128mb, but if you will have explode operation, consider to decrease this value
- control the shuffle partition by using
- default is 200 partition, but if you will have explode operation, consider to decrease this value
- control the output partition by using
.option("maxRecordsPerFile", "x")
- control the input partition by using
- Input partition
Estimate the number of partition
import numpy as np print ("\n\n*********************************************************************************") """ IF THE SHUFLLE PARTITION IS NOT CHANGE IN THE SPARK UI, PLEASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING: - REMOVE THE TABLE IN MINIO UNDER THE SAME NAME OF THE RUNNING SPARK APP """ CONS_SHUFFLE_RATIO_ROWS = 1/21 CONST_MB_TO_BYTES = 1024 * 1024 total_num_rows = 5932823 <- you only need this as input seed_no = 123 num_cores = int(32) total_available_memory_gb= 125 reserved_memory_gb = 35 target_input_max_bytes_per_file_mb = 4 target_input_max_bytes_per_file_bytes = target_input_max_bytes_per_file_mb * CONST_MB_TO_BYTES max_records_per_file = 1_000 num_shuffle_partitions = int(np.ceil(total_num_rows * CONS_SHUFFLE_RATIO_ROWS)) print(f"{'SEED NO':<30} : {seed_no}") print(f"{'NUM CORES':<30} : {num_cores}") print(f"{'TOTAL MEMORY DRIVER':<30} : {total_available_memory_gb-reserved_memory_gb} gb") print (f"{'MEMORY PER CORE':<30} : {(total_available_memory_gb - reserved_memory_gb)/num_cores} gb") print(f"{'MAX INPUT SIZE':<30} : {target_input_max_bytes_per_file_mb} mb / {target_input_max_bytes_per_file_bytes} bytes") print (f"{'SHUFFLE PARTITION':<30} : {num_shuffle_partitions} partitions") print (f"{'MAX RECORDS PER FILE':<30} : {max_records_per_file} records") print ("*********************************************************************************\n\n")