Merging a new branch and releasing a new version with a tag typically involves the following steps. Let’s break them down:

  1. Ensure Your Working Directory is Clean: Before starting, make sure your working directory is clean, and there are no uncommitted changes.

  2. Checkout the Branch to Merge Into: Switch to the branch into which you want to merge the changes. For example, if you want to merge a feature branch into the main branch:

    git checkout main
  3. Merge the Feature Branch: Merge the feature branch into the target branch:

    git merge feature-branch

    Resolve any merge conflicts if they occur.

  4. Update Version Information: If your project has version information (like a VERSION file or a configuration file), update it to reflect the new version number.

  5. Commit the Merge: Commit the changes after the merge:

    git commit -m "Merge feature-branch into main"
  6. Tag the Release: Create a new tag for the release. Typically, version tags follow a semantic versioning format (e.g., v1.0.0):

    git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "Release version 1.0.0"
  7. Push Changes and Tags: Push the merged changes and the new tag to the remote repository:

    git push origin main
    git push --tags

    This ensures that both the code changes and the tag are reflected on the remote repository.

  8. Create a Release on GitHub (Optional): If you’re using GitHub or a similar platform, consider creating a release through the web interface. This allows you to add release notes, associate commits with the release, and provide additional information.

These steps assume a straightforward release process. Adjustments may be necessary based on your specific project structure, versioning scheme, or release workflow. Always refer to your project’s documentation or established practices for any project-specific nuances.